The coolest game at Universal Studios is Space star Galactica. And the other cool games there is the MUMMY. it is cool because the MUMMY rides turns up-side down. Its really rare. and i bought the Tron Legacy toy. because it is really brand new.
Sangging saya suka main sepak bola, saya akan mengasih tahu seperti apa sepakbola di sekolahku. Banyak teman-temanku yang sangat suka bermain sepak bola. lelaki maupun perempuan, semua menyukai sepak bola. Setiap hari Jumat, kelas 6A dan 6B saling bersaing dalam sepak bola. Kadang-Kadang, aku mencetak gol tetapi itu hanya terjadi sekali. Saya dijadikan Kapten tim 6A karena Kocakkannya saya dan tendanggannya saya yang begitu akurat. Saya hanya "Assist" teman saya yang bernama Dean dan Nino. Mereka berdua adalah pemain dean yang selalu mencetak gol buat tim kita. Tetapi, tim 6B kadang-kadang bertindak menyebalkan karena kalau mereka menang, mereka pasti senang-senang dan pasti akan membesarkannya. Dan kalau kalah, mereka akan pasti mencari alasan. Tetapi akhir-akhir ini, mereka sudah lumayan berubah karena mereka sudah mengerti kalau bekerja keras itu akan menghasilkan sesuatu yang besar. Val, teman saya, dua minggu yang lalu, dimarahin sama teman saya Jeff, karena "Matador" seharusnya Jeff yang akan menendang bolanya tetapi Val, malah mengopernya kepada teman saya Sean. Nah, itu cuman di hari Jumat. Saya akan mengasih tahu pengalaman saya sewaktu bermain di waktu istirahat. Akan lebih seru. Nah, sekarang ada orang-orang yang sangat "Lihai" memain sepak bola seperti teman saya Jun Hyeok dan Marcello dan juga Nathan. Mereka bertiga adalah yang terhebat di kelas enam bermain sepakbola. Nah, di pembagian tim, kita memakai metode "Kapten-Kaptenan". itu adalah metode yang kita pilih dua orang untuk menjadi kapten(karena sepak bola mempunyai dua tim) dan kapten akan memilih orang yang mereka pikir mainnya lumayan kuat. Nah, peraturannya sama saja jadi kalian pasti akan tahu. Waktu istirahat pertama yaitu dari jam 9.00 sampai 10.30. Sedangkan jam istirahat kedua yaitu dari jam 12.00 samapi 12.45. jadi misalnya kita memilih tim sewaktu istirahat pertama yaitu kita panggil di sekolahku "Break Time", di waktu istirahat kedua yaitu kita memanggilnya "Lunch Time", timnya akan sama. Nah, saya sudah bergagi pengalaman saya dalam bermain sepakbola di sekolah saya. ok deh..
Yeah! Things here are getting cool. It's Christmas Holiday!!!!!! bo yeah. I will get some presents if i act well in Singapore. Oh yeah, i will go to Singapore for this Christmas holiday. I will buy a lot of things in Singapore and buy a lot of games there. Because things there are perfectly pure from the organization. What i mean is the thing or the stuff you might buy or see there is REAL. But a bit expensive. Sorry to say that. But no worries, tourist like me can get a refund at the airport if the shop you buy the things has the sign REFUND. And talking about money you can go here to check the currency . and that's the only thing i could explain to you all. Thx,
it was fun at the idul fitri holiday because i went to the place called kaliandra and it was fun because the food is nice and i played many outbound. my bro didn't enjoy it so much because he didn't do all of the outbound and stuff. but at the end everyone is happy because everyone gets a free orange juice. it was sooo cold in the morning because it;s in the mountain its freezing in the morning.i lived in a special house called a bungalow. its REALLY NICE big, tidy and fantastic.
I am running as the sekolah ciputra next stuco president(student council) i will do my best to interest all of you who votes me in stuco. but there are some of my friends who want to run as president too.. but i surely will win this stuco election programe with my partner...
this is a song that is from my teacher. my teacher is the one that introduced this song to me. and everyone in the class enjoyed it, so i must enjoy it too!!
this is one of my favorite songs. i like dynamite because the music always makes me never to give up.
At the Malaysian airlines we are sitting at the business class seat. Yes i am exited and this is my first time to seat in the business class in Malaysian airlines. i hope the food is yummy and i hope there will be a TV in front of the chair and i hope the TV is using the remote control.
Malaysia Truly Asia
at hotel nikko i play with my ds and the game i finished is called pokemon white. it is a story of a man who wants pokemon live their own way, not with the humans, so our missions is to battle with N and Getis so we can have pokemons always in our side. the airport of bali is called ngurah rai. it is a name of a hero who saved bali almost a hundered years ago.